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What is Better: Smoking or Vaping Cannabis?

As cannabis laws continue to change and affect new countries and states all around the world, we are seeing a growing number of people are seeing the medical benefits of the plant. Marijuana has long been known to help manage pain from chronic conditions, relieve anxiety and insomnia, and give relief for cancer patients. Whether […]

Some Cannabis Basics to Know Before Visiting Any Dispensary

Some Cannabis Basics to Know Before Visiting Any Dispensary

Cannabis and its active components, including CBD, THC and other cannabinoids, exist in different strengths and forms which can affect people in various ways. It is important to know at least the basics on of these things if you are looking to buy your own stash. Before going out or going online to visit a […]

5 Mistakes You Should Avoid While Consuming Cannabis

5 Mistakes You Should Avoid While Consuming Cannabis

Even when cannabis is already well known these days, there are still many people who have not tried it. Many of them find this plant intimidating, with some even considering it a gateway drug. The truth is it is not; some are just afraid to try it. Because of this, when they do finally decide […]

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Why Does Smoking Weed Makes My Eyes Turn Red?

One of the most sure-fire signs that someone is high on cannabis is red eyes. This is usually blamed on irritation from smoke, but this is a common misconception. Marijuana makes the eyes red for the same reason it is used to treat glaucoma; this is a physiological mechanism known as vasodilation. How Smoking Weed […]

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How Popular are Cannabis Drinks in Canada?

The selection of cannabis-infused drinks available in Canada today is impressive, considering that these types of products have only been regulated recently. With many varied formats, the options today include water-soluble drops, sparking water varieties and teas, among many others. Infused beverages are a great option if you do not want to eat or inhale […]

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Top 5 CBD-Infused Drink Recipes

These days, people are now aware of CBD. Some might not know what exactly is does, but surely we know someone who is benefitting from it. When people decide to try CBD, they find themselves surprised to discover the many ways they can take it. One of the most delicious way to do so is […]

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What are the Benefits of Drinking Cannabis Tea?

Many people love tea and its different varieties. Even the conventional milk-based tea now has several spin-offs, from hibiscus tea, black tea, green, and chamomile tea, among many others. However, not everyone has heard of the goodness of CBD tea. For newbies, cannabis tea is also called marijuana tea, weed tea or pot tea. Its […]

Shatter And Wax

What is the Difference Between Marijuana Wax and Shatter?

Now that marijuana is slowly being legalized across different states, we are seeing an invention of different forms of the plant, particularly among its important variants wax, oil, shatter and hash. Wax and shatter are increasingly becoming popular means of medical cannabis consumption. These two variants possess high THC concentrations that give an effective high, […]


Sugar Free CBD HEMP Infused Gummy Bears

Sometimes, dietary restrictions like diabetes, gluten intolerance and other allergens can hinder some people’s ability to enjoy their lives to the fullest. The good news is that this is not the case with cannabis gummy bears. Lots of companies are now offering exclusive CBD edible products like gummies to customers that are specifically sugar-free and […]


THC Beverages vs. Traditional Edibles: Which Is Better?

Cannabis is a plant that is fast becoming popular because of its numerous health benefits. If you are looking for a delicious and flavorful way to consume marijuana, THC edibles and beverages are perfect for you. Weed-infused drinks and edibles provide a longer high than smoking. But which among the two of them is the […]