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THC Beverages vs. Traditional Edibles: Which Is Better?

Cannabis is a plant that is fast becoming popular because of its numerous health benefits. If you are looking for a delicious and flavorful way to consume marijuana, THC edibles and beverages are perfect for you. Weed-infused drinks and edibles provide a longer high than smoking. But which among the two of them is the […]

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Why is Shatter More Expensive than Wax?

Smoking cannabis has been around for a long time. This age-old, tried-and-tested method is one of the main means of marijuana consumption since the very beginning. Recently, however, we are seeing a new method of consumption gaining in popularity: dabbing. Dabbing is the process of heating butane hash oil or BHO using a special oil […]

marijuana grading system

What Is the Marijuana Grading System?

When it comes to purchasing marijuana, there is a spectrum of quality that knowledgeable cannabis users pay attention to. As you can imagine, marijuana is sold at all different levels of quality for different reasons: The highest quality cannabis is best for smoking, while lesser stuff (think shake) can be used for making edibles, where […]

Is medical marijuana a safe and effective medicine?

The number of Canadians with medical cannabis cards is continuing to grow. Worldwide cannabis laws are changing. And there is a growing enthusiasm and confidence in using marijuana to treat a myriad of medical conditions. But, is it safe? It’s historically documented that medicinal marijuana has helped countless people suffering from debilitating diseases and disorders […]

How Does CBD Affect Your Brain and Body?

Everyone and their dog (yes, really their dog) seems to be taking cannabidiol (CBD) for health benefits. Until only a few years ago, many people had never heard about this little cannabis-derived cannabinoid. Even today, you might have heard about CBD, but don’t understand the details.    This guide aims to tell you where to […]