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Can CBD Make Your Skin Glow?

with all the positive hype surrounding cannabidiol (CBD) these days, it seems like there is nothing it can’t do. While the all natural chemical compound is definitely having its heyday in the media, it isn’t without reason. From pain relief to anxiety suppressant, the beneficial qualities of CBD are seemingly limitless.

CBD’s power is especially apparent in the fields of science and medicine, products containing CBD are popping up everywhere. Chocolate bars, bath bombs, herbal tea, lip balm – no matter what product you’re looking for, chances are there is a CBD variation available.

You can find products in stores and buy CBD online across Canada. In fact, some brands are producing entire lines of CBD products. With such a rapid rise to mainstream status, it is absolutely no wonder why CBD has exploded onto the scene.

But as with any health and wellness fad, not all products touting a miracle ingredient are legitimate. In the beauty and skincare industry in particular, it’s common to find many long drawn out claims boasting the spot-removing, wrinkle-reducing, rejuvenating power of some magical lotion or potion. And while some of these products do provide a number of the benefits they claim, wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly how they work, from the start?

When it comes to CBD, we have the answers!

Will CBD Give Me Glowing Skin?

Let’s bite the bullet! While CBD does have plenty of healing properties, providing a plethora of benefits, can it really make skin glow?

First, ask yourself, what is glowing skin?

What does that even mean?

For something to “glow” it must exude light. That is something that skin simply cannot do. The idea of glowing skin is problematic, as it is a term describing something that doesn’t exist, despite being so sought after. Rather, it is a vague marketing buzzword.

In reality, the appearance of “glowing” skin relates to a smooth, clear, line-free complexion, which largely comes from good health and hygiene. Even then, there are those who suffer from chronic and fungal acne, which cannot be cured using drugstore skincare products.


Across the board, the claim of glowing skin may be vague, but science is consistently working towards finding new ways to fight acne and diminish visible blemishes. In and amongst that science? A growing collection of research focused on CBD, illustrating just how powerful It can be when it comes to the health of your skin.

What’s the Deal With Skincare?

In general, skincare lines consist of products like serums, gels, creams, and solutions, carefully crafted to deliver a myriad of health benefits, from skin brightening effects, to acne reduction, to spot correction, and more.

While many products claim to produce an even complexion free of blemishes or wrinkles, no one product will make your skin perfect. It just isn’t possible. Skin is affected by more than the products we use daily. Our diet, our sleep habits, our exercise regime, the sun, pollution, and so on; all these things play a role in the health of our skin.

Does that mean skincare products are redundant? Absolutely not! But they can’t do it alone. Scrubs, toners, serums; they are meant to complement your health and hygiene practices. It is still important to drink water, eat right, and wear sunscreen (of which there are CBD varieties!). Skincare is just one of the many tools available in the health and wellness toolbox.

The Science of CBD Skincare

With the abundance of research and capital that goes into the beauty and wellness industry every year, paired with the growing library of science and data on CBD, it comes as no surprise that the two would eventually come together to collaborate. While research has already revealed the countless health benefits associated with CBD, it’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties cross over into the realm of skincare.

We’ve all heard that so-called “Super Fruits” like blueberries are full of antioxidants, but did you know the same can be said of Cannabidiol? Its antioxidative properties were discovered through a combination of lab studies and human-based trials. Research confirmed the ability of CBD to reverse the effects of oxidative stress, resulting from an excess of free radicals. This is positive for skincare research, as the use of CBD has the potential to repair skin damage.

In another lab study, it was discovered that CBD phytocannabinoids protect Vascular endothelial growth factor, a signal protein that aids in blood vessel formation, essentially accelerating wound healing and tissue regeneration.

Further research demonstrated CBD’s success as an acne-fighting agent, as it affected sebocytes in the human body, curbing sebum production. This is great news for those prone to breakouts and individuals with excessively oily skin. Some additional additional benefits? CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce the redness and swelling associated with pimples and limit the appearance of rosacea.


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly About CBD Skincare


CBD’s growing popularity in the beauty and skincare realm is unmistakable. A number of popular makeup and skincare brands have released dedicated CBD lines, while its presence continues to grow in shops and on shelves across the country. It just goes to show how in-demand CBD skin care can be!

And while some big-name beauty counters and makeup retailers might be dabbling in the CBD world, we find ourselves partial to trusted products sourced, manufactured, and sold right here in Canada!

When it comes to finding the right CBD skin care products, it is imperative that you do your research, so you understand exactly what you are putting on your skin, and by proxy, into your body. If you are planning to buy CBD online in Canada, make it a priority to find high-quality, verified products and only work with retailers you can trust. This ensures that your products are regulated and guaranteed safe.

Why Use CBD in Your Skin Care Routine?

So let’s look back at the original question. Will CBD make your skin glow?

No, it won’t. No single skincare product alone will make your skin glow. The idea of a perfect complexion and glowing skin is a marketing ploy pushed upon the public to sell more products. All skin has blemishes. All faces have lines, from laughing and crying and living. Skin that “literally glows” just isn’t feasible.

What is important is to love your skin as it is and work to keep it healthy. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Using expensive products that guarantee “visible results in just one week” won’t make you glow, and it certainly won’t erase those lines. Instead, focus on giving your skin the care it deserves. Choose products that work to soothe, hydrate, and heal your skin, using quality ingredients, like Canadian CBD.


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